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  • Writer's pictureFidan Dargahli

Why 90 Days on LinkedIn Could Be a Game-Changer?

I often find myself in discussions with potential clients about lead generation. Many are satisfied with their current strategies through outbound efforts and referrals. While that's commendable, it barely scratches the surface of what LinkedIn can offer. Contrary to popular belief, generating leads constitutes just 10% of the real value that LinkedIn provides.

Beyond just accumulating leads, LinkedIn serves as a powerful platform to establish your authority within your industry. It opens doors to opportunities like podcast invitations and speaking engagements that can elevate your business profile substantially. Additionally, using LinkedIn effectively can enhance your outbound response rates and enable you to attract top talent with seemingly minimal effort.

Many business owners express concerns about time investment. Time is undoubtedly a precious commodity, but leveraging LinkedIn doesn’t require endless hours—just a few dedicated hours each week can yield tangible results. I've witnessed this transformation firsthand on numerous occasions. Initially, many business owners are skeptical about the platform’s benefits, opting to focus on traditional methods.

However, as outbound efforts become more challenging, close rates begin to decline, and recruiting becomes more arduous, they quickly recognize the need to establish a stronger presence and reputation in the market. When they return, asking how long it takes to see results, I explain that while some benefits are immediate, the most significant impacts typically manifest after about 90 days.

Ninety days might seem like a long commitment, but the return on that time investment is substantial. By the end of it, most realize that they should have started their LinkedIn strategy earlier. As we continue to navigate a world where digital presence is increasingly crucial, the potential of LinkedIn as a tool for building authority and professional networking is just beginning to be tapped.

If you haven’t taken LinkedIn seriously yet, now is the time to start. The early days of exploring and understanding its full potential are upon us, and those who act quickly will reap the most benefits. Don’t wait until traditional methods falter; start building your LinkedIn presence today and watch as it transforms not just your network, but your entire business approach.

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