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  • Writer's pictureFidan Dargahli

How Travel Made Me a Better Marketer to Clients Worldwide?

A few years ago, I started traveling more, not just for fun but also to see different parts of the world. Each place I visited, from the busy streets of Bangkok to the quiet towns in Norway, taught me something new. These weren’t just trips; they changed how I think and work, especially when it comes to understanding people from different cultures.

Travel taught me that people around the world think and solve problems in unique ways. This became very clear when I began working with clients from different backgrounds. I realized that strategies that worked well in one place might not work somewhere else because of how different our ways of communicating and doing things can be.

If you’re working with clients from different parts of the world, take the time to really understand their culture. This means more than just knowing the basics like holidays or greetings. Try to learn how they communicate and make decisions. This can be through traveling, reading, or even online courses. Getting to know these things can make a big difference in how you work together.

Ever been surprised by a client’s reaction or made a cultural mistake? It happens to all of us. The key is to learn from each situation. Seeing things from your client’s perspective can help make your work together more meaningful and successful.

If you’ve had similar experiences or want to learn more about working effectively with people from different cultures, let’s chat. I’m here to share what I’ve learned and help you grow too: Book a call with me.

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